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HomeHealth & Fitness10 Best Slim Waist Exercises That Can Give You Fitness

10 Best Slim Waist Exercises That Can Give You Fitness

It’s easy to obtain a wiggly, baggy tummy, but it takes time to get rid of it. Fortunately, there are several effective waist exercises to tackle this problem, including crunches, planks, and twisting!

Waist exercises target your abs and obliques, are easy to execute, and don’t require any special equipment or even a trip to the gym for waist exercises. All that stands between you and your waist exercises, you should try 30 minutes of waist exercise every day!

When it comes to getting a smaller or slim waist, the most important thing to remember is that maintaining a healthy body weight is a priority; strength training for the complete body and a good diet are essential. These best waist exercises can help you develop a stronger core and firmer abs.

Whether you’re seeking to acquire a smaller waist for an hourglass form or just want to shed a few inches from around your stomach, these strategies and waist exercises will help. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of the best waist exercises that will leave you with an incredibly flat tummy.

10 The Best Waist Exercises For Beginners

Heel touchers

Waist Exercises

Heel touchers are a terrific way to work your abs and oblique muscles.

Position at the start:

Lay down on your yoga mat with your knees bent and your legs slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Extend your arms in front of you with your palms facing in. This is included in one of the best waist exercises.

What to do:

  • Exhale and compress your body to the left, touching your left heel with your left hand’s fingers.
  • Keep your hands in this position for a second.
  • Return to the starting position slowly and inhale.
  • Repeat the process on your right side.
  • Do this 30 times.

Crunch in an oblique “V”

Crunch in an oblique “V”

This workout helps you lose weight in your obliques.

Position at the start:

This workout helps you lose weight in your obliques. Get your yoga mat and lie down on your right side to begin. Place your left hand behind your head and pile your legs on top of each other.

What to do:

  • Raise your straight legs off the floor and make a “V” shape with your body and legs.
  • Use your right hand to support yourself.
  • Return your weight to the yoga mat slowly.
  • For each side, repeat 8 times.

Crunch Triangles

Crunch Triangles

Another wonderful exercise to work your obliques is the triangle crunch. This is included in one of the best waist exercises.

Position at the start:

Place your right hand on the yoga mat and kneel on your right knee. Place your left leg behind your head and your left hand behind your head.

What to do:

  • Crunch your left leg to your left elbow, hold for a second, then gently return to the starting position, but don’t fully extend your left leg.
  • Raise it in the air.
  • Do this on each side 30 times.

Ordinary forearm plank

Ordinary forearm plank

The forearm plank is a core body workout that can help you get a flat stomach.

Position at the start:

Place your forearms on the yoga mat with your elbows aligned below your shoulders. At around shoulder-width distance, your arms should be parallel to the torso.

What to do:

  • Adjust your neck and spine by focusing on a location on the floor about 30 cm in front of your hands.
  • Keep your head in alignment with your back by paying attention.
  • Maintain the position for a total of 20 seconds.

Crisscross Crunches

Crisscross Crunches

Crisscross Crunches – One of the most effective strategies to tone your tummy quickly.

Position at the start:

Due to all of the huge muscle groups involved, this is an activity that burns a lot of calories; your entire body needs to work together to achieve this action.

Starfish crunch

The starfish crunch is ideal for toning your abs.

Starfish crunch

Position at the start:

The starfish crunch is ideal for toning your abs. Lie down on the yoga mat and make an “X” with your legs and hands. This is included in one of the best waist exercises.

What to do:

  • Raise your shoulders, and your legs, off the ground, and bring your elbows to your knees.
  • Come up by engaging your core.
  • Hold the position for a second before gently returning to your starting position.
  • Do this 20 times.

Standing cross-crunches

Standing cross-crunches

The abs, obliques, and hip flexors are targeted in standing cross-crunches. It not only aids in the attainment of a flat stomach, but it also aids in the burning of fat thighs.

Position at the start:

Place your hands behind your head and stand on your yoga mat with your feet hip-width apart.

What to do:

  • Bend your left hand and move your knee toward your right elbow, rotating your body and bringing your knee and elbow together.
  • Return to the starting position and repeat on the opposite side.
  • Do this 30 times.

Side jackknives

Side jackknives

The abs, obliques, glutes, and hip flexors are all worked out with side jackknives (standing criss-cross crunches). This is included in one of the best waist exercises.

Position at the start:

Lie down on your right side on the yoga mat to begin. Make a stack of your feet.

What to do:

  • Place your left hand on the side of your head and your left arm behind your head (the elbow should point toward the ceiling).
  • Concentrate your stress on your obliques and raise your feet. Raise your upper torso and lead with your left elbow at the same time.
  • Hold for a second before gently returning to the position. Don’t let your feet or shoulders come into contact with the yoga mat!
  • Do this 15 times on each side.

Windshield wipers

Windshield wipers

Windshield wipers work your abs, obliques, and lower back muscles. This is included in one of the best waist exercises.

Position at the start:

For support, lie down on your back on a yoga mat with your arms straight to the sides. Bend your knees at a 90-degree angle and leave your legs.

What to do:

  • Rotate your legs to the left side but do not allow them to contact the floor.
  • Hold this position for a few seconds before gently returning to your starting position.
  • Do the same thing with your right side.
  • Do this 30 times.

Kick and bend

Kick and bend

Bend and kick (donkey kick) is a great way to tone your abs and glutes while also strengthening your spine. This is included in one of the best waist exercises.

Position at the start:

Start by lying down on your yoga mat on all fours. Your hands should be level on the ground and parallel to your shoulders.

What to do:

  • Brace your core, bring your right leg up (knee bent and foot flat), and kick.
  • Make the “kicking” move straight towards the ceiling by using your glute. Make sure your pelvis and functioning hip are pointing down at all times.
  • Keep your head straight and face down to prevent damaging your neck.
  • Do this for each leg 20 times.

Do you prefer to work out at home or in a gym? Have you ever attempted any of these Waist Exercises? Which exercises did you like the most? Which ones do you think are the most difficult? In the comments area, we’d love to hear your thoughts!


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